Who said sunset was not a medicine man?
Is the gruesome night with mysterious calm
Not the devil himself who would smile
At this old fool driven and left senile
To thinking himself Donne’s busy old fool
Swimming in ignorance, his glorious pool?
Old senile King, after twenty seven
Odd years, you’ve left our country so broken
By your deep greed the waters of the seas
Won’t come close to washing the joy that fills
Your measure so corrupt earning your name
That stinks a stench so putrid; what a shame!
Is the gruesome night with mysterious calm
Not the devil himself who would smile
At this old fool driven and left senile
To thinking himself Donne’s busy old fool
Swimming in ignorance, his glorious pool?
Old senile King, after twenty seven
Odd years, you’ve left our country so broken
By your deep greed the waters of the seas
Won’t come close to washing the joy that fills
Your measure so corrupt earning your name
That stinks a stench so putrid; what a shame!